
swept along

Birna I


5 Years
Extra large
01-03-2015, 12:43 PM


Birna's right foreleg lands as planned, falling across the base of Jupiter's neck, right in front of the shoulder blades.  Birna's left forepaw however fails to grasp the middle of Jupiter's left front leg and instead only her claws leave a few superficial marks on the left side of Jupiter's foreleg, superficial and worthless. Quickly she plants her left forepaw on the ground.  It rapidly becomes clear that her assault for Jupiter's neck will fail as she see's the other woman start to turn towards her.  Quickly abandoning her bid for the russet woman's neck Birna moves to readjust.

As Jupiter's jaws move for her own Birna moves to lower and tilt her head to the right attempting to position the right side of her face nearly parallel with the ground.  She aims to catch Jupiter's lower jaw. Seeking for her upper canines to connect with the center left side of Jupiter's lower jaw right and her lower canine's aiming to land on the center right side.  Birna hopes to halt Jupiter's attack and gain a vital hold to strain the russet woman's lower jaw. [damage pending, sorry  xD]  Do to her shift in position the shoulder attack fails to collide with Birna's lower jaw.

In addition to her jaw attack Birna distributes her weight to her back legs as well as her right foreleg which is drapped over Jupiter's shoulders, tail aligning with her spine and streaming out behind her for balance.  Birna attempts once again to lift her left forepaw this time she attempts to slam it down on the toes of Jupiter's left forepaw in an attempt to strain the digits.  Eyes remained narrowed, ears pinned to her skull and hackles raised.  The toes of all four paws spread though only the claws of her back legs dug into the earth to add more stability.   He back arched slightly, core tightening to give her added balance.  Shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunching back as far as she could to give her both added protection and time to maneuver.  

Rd. 2/2 for Test

ooc:  I'll deal her damage soon, sorry to counter with a counter.  Once I get an idea stuck in my head it's hard to let go.  Lol at least it's pretty realistic seems dogs are always meeting jaw to jaw  xD

[Image: 262ny8g.png]