
The World Crumbling Beneath Me


01-03-2015, 04:53 PM

She had been lingering near the battlefield as of late, looking for those she could collect to join her ranks. And it seemed today she would get her wish. A lone fae stood valiantly, waiting. Dark lips curled into a sneer, coral pools watching intently, like a predator watching its prey. But she would not stand alone for long. Helios. He was enter the scene, approach the girl beckoning her to follow. Already she held grievances with Pantheon, the stranger she had met on their lands, his fate unknown after she had left, standing victorious of Pantheons bitch. Hackles bristled as she approached, her gaze locked on the two. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" Words fell like drops of honey, oh so sweet and desirable. Her tail witched dominantly above her hips, ears careening forward. Eyes racked over the man, taking not of his bedraggled appearance, he had seen better days that was for sure. The girl looked oddly familiar. Like Amarant, though her coat was creamy, but still speckled with spots. "My dear, do you seek a home?" Her crown would tip to the side as her gaze flickered to the girl. "I know of someone who would simply adore your spots." Lips curled into a smile as her tongue finally fell silent.

OOC- Raii told me that Nat would be forfeiting their fight.
