
The World Crumbling Beneath Me


01-03-2015, 05:15 PM

He had been lingering, skirting the edges of the battlefield in hopes to pick up a spar. But when Chione's small howl broke out, his salmon hued ears turned that way. Why was she calling for someone? She should be back in Pantheon with their parents. He turned and headed in her direction, picking up the sight of both his father and another silver woman. She spoke of taking Chione with her, and a growl ripped through his throat. He may have been disowned by his family, but there was no way in hell that he was going to watch her walk away with his sibling. "Over my dead body you will take her away. She is not some mindless stray. Let her return home with her father, and I will no longer be a bother. But if you insist, than I will not resist," he growled. Hackles rose as he took a step closer to the silver wench, his ears turning towards Helios. If he was told to leave, he would not refuse his words. After all, his last name no longer held the power that it once had. Didn't mean that he would let his sister be grabbed up by some mindless bitch. No, if Chione wanted to go away from Pantheon, than he would take her. He wouldn't stand idly by and allow this to happen.