
Walk Through History


05-31-2013, 08:36 PM

An unknown history littered itself across the plain, and admittedly each of the objects were intriguing and eye catching, though their interest dwindled in comparison to that of meeting another wolf. Scarce a moment had come by that he hadn?t longed for company, yet only a passing loner or two had graced his prescence. The she-wolf across the way, introduced herself as Tahlia Carter. What a beautiful name! An easy smile formed over his jaws, as he politely dipped his head in acknowledgement of her name.

?It is lovely to meet you, Miss Tahlia Carter.? He said kindly, with a warm smile. Going on to introduce himself, his words oozed from his jaws. ?My name is Judas, No last name.? A slight chuckle escaped his jaws at his own wording as he sat back on his haunches, making himself comfortable. Realizing he had interrupted her day, he spoke again to clarify why he had been son intrusive.

?I am sorry, if I interrupted your day, Miss Tahlia Carter. I?m new here, and having recently arrived here, I haven?t met many wolves. I hope I am not being too intrusive into your personal time.? His words ended softly, his mind already racing in another direction as he brought his cream colored tail to wrap around his body, almost unconsciously.

Cyan blue eyes watched the female warmly, as his thoughts raced past the conversation. As always his thoughts hit a mental brick wall as he tried to remember who exactly he was, and how he had ended up in these lands. He just couldn?t get past it. It was as if someone had neatly constructed a wall around his memories up to week ago, leaving him in a sense of frustration.
