
The World Crumbling Beneath Me

Aerndís I


5 Years
01-03-2015, 06:06 PM
ooc:  keeping this vague since we don't know the outcome of Aern's fight with Meinx. 

Aerndís was rapidly making a good impression on the Arcanum Queen and there had been promises of rewards for initiative and loyalty. Power.  Rank.  Aern would mold these twisted egos into a force to be reckoned with… and… well if the Desansa ever came looking to bring her back they'd find far more than they bargained for, her family be dammed.  Cataleya had requested her presence at the battlefield which could only mean she was to be tested again.  

The gladiatrix grinned viciously.  She just loved it when a plan came together, however it seemed something had caught Cataleya's attention.  Aern quickly trotted after the woman to see what the fuss was about only to find a young fae and an older male.  As she approached so did an albino male.  What in the world?

I know of someone who would simply adore your spots.

Aerndís snorted before moving closer.  "I only care if she can fight, the last thing we need is another sack of rocks." Lavender eyes drifted to the males as she wondered if they would be of any use.  She didn't care much for breaking slaves, it was so much easier to take them when they were young so perhaps Cataleya was on to something.  "I'm sure though I can train her if she needs to be polished."  Eyes narrowed at the males as her voice spit venom.  "A yearling is certainly old enough to make her own decisions.  Why don't you boys go... entertain yourselves?" Of course, lonely yearling or not Aerndís would rather test her and see if she was even worth the effort.  It was quickly becoming clear this was less about the girl and more some personal grudge.  Great... politics.... Aern fucking looved politics....  She resisted the urge to wretch dramatically.
