
you've started to bore me



9 Years
Athena I
01-03-2015, 07:06 PM

Leo gave a small smile and a grateful nod when she congratulated him on his new family members. He felt a small swell of pride when he thought about his nephews and niece, obviously a very happy to be an uncle. His tail thumped gently behind him as he thought about them. She went on to introduce herself at his asking. Her response was as unexpected as it was humorous and it was enough to pull a snorting chuckle from him. It was refreshing in a way to talk to someone so unconcerned with first impressions, although he couldn't quite decide why she was acting in such a way. He was completely clueless when it came to drugs and their side effects so all he could think of was that maybe this was just how she behaved. He had seen stranger behaviors than this, just in different ways.

Again she would ask of him his own question and he smirked as he replied, "Of course. I'm Aaron Leopold Adravendi-Mathis, but I go by Leo. I've always thought that was quite a mouthful and Aaron has always felt... I don't know... Dorky?" He chuckled softly to himself at that while silently trying to decide where this conversation was going to go. She was certainly amusing if nothing else and quite pretty and interesting to look at. He didn't mind keeping up a conversation as long as she felt like talking. Deciding he might as well make himself comfortable, he slid down so that he was laying in a similar fashion to her on his stomach. The cool stone felt good in comparison to the southern heat. "You look fairly harmless to me. Why would anyone not be happy to see you, Ace?" he asked, genuinely as to why anyone would provoke a response of, quote, 'ah crap not her again.'

"Talk" "You" Think