
My chick bad


01-03-2015, 09:13 PM

The woman would introduce herself, a peculiar name rolling off her tongue, it was quite a mouthful. Her dark crown would dip, a polite smile lifting her lips. Dark ears tipped forward, catching word that filled the air between them. A question about her future reign would hang from the womans lips, curling her own lips into a smirk. "Arcanum will forever remain the way my mother has built it. I have no intentions of changing things, rest assured." Eyes gleamed with the future, words falling easily from her lips. Her mother would kill her if she did anything to soften this pack. But that not her intention. She would rule this pack with an iron paw, just as her mother had. Arcanum would continue to strike fear into the hearts of the their enemies. When it came her time, she would see empires falls and her pack thrive under her command. It is what she has been raised to do, and what she wanted to do. Nothing would ever change that. And now that she had siblings to care for, she would ensure that they always had a home to return to, a place to call their own, so that together, they may rule this world.

"Burn Baby Burn"