
you've started to bore me



3 Years
01-03-2015, 09:15 PM

She could see his pride, and it made her smile a little. She didn't have nieces or nephews, but she did have some aunts that were a little younger than herself. That counted, right? He responded to her query with gusto, spitting out a name longer than any she'd heard in her young life. Why would anyone torture their child with that many names? She blinked at him a few times, mildly stunned by this. Holy tits on a stick. He reiterated that he went by Leo, which seemed much more doable than having to call him Aaron-Leopold.. whatever, it was just better. She chuckled, shaking her head a little as he gave his own thoughts on his odd first name. "I don't think 's that dorky." She hummed brows furrowing a little as she thought about it some more. Nah, it wasn't that bad. "I have sister who's name is Astrid." She informed him. "I call her Ass when she's being annoying, just for the sake of it." She snorted, taking a moment to laugh a little too much at her own joke. Ass. How hysterical! She was a riot!

When her giggles subsided, she coughed to clear her now dry throat. "Now that's a dorky name." She giggled. The male settled on his stomach as well, joining her on the fringes of the light made by the little skylight. He was a little smaller than her, but with a lot more meat on his bones. She was a teeny tiny little stick bug, and everyone kept joking she might snap in two if a breeze caught her. When the male called her harmless, she frowned. Brows knitted together, she glanced over at him with toxic pools turned black by immense pupils. "I wouldn't say that.." She mused, remembering the sorts of mayhem she'd caused throughout her life. Like that time she bit that giant rogue right on the nose, and he's chased her through the orchard. That'd been really funny, especially when she tok the opportunity to wiggle her butt just out of his reach. Man, he'd been maaaaad about that.

Come to think about it, she had yet to encounter him yet. Thank the gods for that one. "Well, I have a bad habit of pissing people off. It's really fun." She laughed, grinning like an idiot. It really was, watching them get all enraged and huffy puffy. They always chased her, and she always got away. Any child of Loki was a slippery little bastard, herself being no exception.
