
The World Crumbling Beneath Me



8 Years
Chrono I
01-03-2015, 10:08 PM

Not soon after she called, Helios would come on after her as she noticed he wasn't far behind. She turned to her name, narrowing her eyes with a rebellious face and a snort that went along with it. She shied away from her father, only shrugging her shoulder and taking a step away from him.

"No!" She refrained from calling him daddy after the word, "I don't want to go home."

And before she could think of what else there was to say, the voice of a woman came towards her. She stood tall to her, trying to show at least a little effort to look good, though the woman mentioned her grey flecks that made Chione a little warm inside. She took a moment to think, was a home really what she was searching for? She already had one of those... She only wanted to be somewhere she couldn't hurt anyone... It was already coming down to that because a face she would have never thought to show had approached them.


She barely knew the man other than being her brother and that he was stripped from the Olympus name. He offered to take her rather than the woman, and even threatened to fight for her. It all seemed strange that her family was so willing to burn to the ground to keep her... Especially when she didn't want to be with them.

She had recognized the scents of different packs for the first time as the other woman walked in almost beside Apollo. But Chione kept her granite optics locked on her big brother as the woman spoke, the words of fighting and training only giving her a bore. Eyes dragged off of Apollo as she flicked her gaze to the russet woman only pulling them back to look at her father from the corner of her eye and then back.

"Apollo, I do not want to go home." She spoke almost with a hiss and not looking at him.

"I do not take well to training." She spoke as if she were a queen on top a pedestal. "Too much work, I might strain myself." She gave a menacing grin, showing that she was joking but she really didn't want to take on any training. She just wanted someone to kiss the ground she walked on... was that too much to ask?

In the back of her mind, she wondered what Helios was going to do, or what he thought. He was the one who still claimed her as his own. Maybe she told the woman she didn't want to train because she wanted to go with Apollo. It was only a thought that touched her.

"If I must... I'd rather go with you, Apollo. But I refuse to go home."

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon"