


01-03-2015, 10:25 PM
Genesis Armada is the 2 year old son of Isardis Armada x Argent Armada. He is a full sibling to Athena Armada (played by Shelby), Vereux Armada (Played by Riv who recently left Ala.), and Voltaire (Inactive but played by Muse) 

This is his profile on the old site :

He is at a neutral alignment, but his alignment should go to the darker side.. His parents weren't of light alignments. 

He is related to all the other Armada wolves in some way- family tree (wip) is found here:

If you are awarded him, you get all of his art. 

Onto the adoption process.

Genesis will only go to people who can keep him active. This boy deserves another shot at life and I just don't have the muse and will to keep him there. 

His personality can change, although keep in mind he's of darker nature. His appearance can't really change- save any purchased items or scars, as he is two. 

Keep in mind that these pups were raised in Isardis's Glaciem-- that could dictate his personality.  

Umm, basically it's a free form app. Just include an appearance, personality (both at least at the site minimum word count) and a brief rp sample, alignment and your plans- and whatever else you want to add. Just give me a feel for how you'd play him. 

If you have any questions, I can be reached via PM here on Roman's account.