
Get It In Gear, Sec! {Fight Training / Instruction}

Eirik I


3 Years
01-04-2015, 01:54 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Eirik was glad to receive Akemi's praise for being on time - it was nice for being recognized for doing something right for once - and he stood a little straighter for it with a crooked little smile quirking up one edge of his lips. The teeny little companion that the woman kept edged forward from his perch upon her head and addressed Eirik with its own squeaky question, and finding the smallness of the little creature matched with such happy boldness pulled his half smile into a full one. "Yeah, that's the plan," he answered with a nod, feeling his good spirits about this training session rise the longer he stayed here. 

It was no surprise to him that the next wolf to arrive was his sister - the ambitious little healer one. He eyed her as she approached, rosy eyes speculative. Go figure. She was always ready to jump right into the middle of everything and nothing seemed to give her pause for very long. So it should not have surprised him - though it completely did - when she sauntered right up to him and challenged him to a fight. He blinked his rosy pink eyes at her, shifted them over to Akemi questioningly, and then back again, feeling his nervousness that he had finally been stifling begin to rear its head once more. "Now?" he questioned, feeling unprepared and not in the least bit ready. They had not even been given any instruction yet! 

He was saved, surprisingly, by his father whose suggestion was to make sure it was fine with their teacher first, and imploringly he set his gaze upon Akemi. For a second he thought she was going to let it happen without instruction first, but to his relief she began with their lesson. Eirik chanced a sidelong glance at Warja beside him, hoping she was temporarily appeased, and fell into listening as Akemi spoke on the points she wished to make about fighting, particularly on defenses. There was a lot to remember, but he did his best, grateful for all that she was saying since there was a lot that went into fighting he had not given thought to before. Being a Guard was a lot more daunting task than he had realized. 

At the end of it, however, the suggestion of spars was brought back again, and the inevitable had returned. He still felt a bit unprepared, but Akemi wanted to see them fight and so the choice was out of his hands. But it was still training, right? He could afford to make mistakes here so long as they would be brought to his attention and corrected. Drawing in a breath, the bulky youth turned to face his sister, steeling himself for their spar. "Looks like we're fighting after all," he stated, feeling silly for being rather intimidated by his littlest sibling. She was just so ready though, so confident that he had no choice but to believe she was capable of holding her own in a fight. He wished he had her confidence, but for the moment he could play at it and tried to as he managed a half-hearted sort of smirk. "Might want to get your plants ready," he teased. He had a feeling he was going to need them.