
Demons Never Die [Meeting]



Extra small
06-01-2013, 01:02 AM
Syrinx is officially two years old as of one hour and thirty minutes ago. Ergo, old enough to take Valhalla.
Anyone may challenge this.
Permission to PP Icarus as hun will be taking a break from Roleplaying due to real life for an unspoken about of time.

OOC: [ ]

"No," the silent whisper of the man came forth with fervor and with a willingness to correct the wronging at this meeting. This was his to undo; his battle to fight. Valhalla was officially his and he would be taking it under his metaphorical wing. A snarl was issued as his massive frame brushed passed that of Thane and various others, his immense proportions hoisting him upon the rock Cairo had stood on before him. His reign would begin with beauty, o yes. "I'll make the laws around here now," He would do his best to make Valhalla life; whether it was in the name of his father or in the name of himself he cared little. There were a change in the boy's demeanor, beyond his natural passion and fire.

Eyes fled to the white man known as Icarus, he whom had remained silence and Syrinx tossed his head to the side, "You are dismissed, your service is no longer required," Brash and independent he turned to the wolves of Valhalla, an odd look about him, and his brilliant gaze carried across the each of them. Epiphron. Chrysanthe. Attempting to resign and return to some foolish lover? No, no, that was not how it was going to work; though he would comply as far as the ruler of the pack would go. Valhalla would belong to no one other than an Adravendi, of that, the russet lord stood before them; certain of.

"Chrysanthe will be my second in command; Epiphron you will act as my beta. Aislyn, you will retain your position until I say otherwise, don't disappoint me," it was a grave warning, Valhalla would not thrive on disappointment, no longer. Warriors. Warriors were what he wanted; what he craved, and thus his eyes would fly around, prodding and searching, eager to find himself his next targets, "I lie," he would confess this with readiness, his eyes flickering over to Epiphron, "you will be my heir," Silence consumed the king yet again and his posterior fell upon the stone. The reign of the Adravendi children, it would be a good one.

"Evelette will act as a beta," Eyes swept the arena once more before he were finished, "I apologize for my lack of appearance in Valhalla, you will all see more of me, if any were high ranked or wish to aspire in ranks, see me, I will come," he would be a king that acted quickly and with honor, not someone that was rarely seen. Though, anyone that dare compare his rule to that of Cairo's they would be shamed. He were not Cairo, and allowing them to think otherwise, that was something Collision had been far too nice about. He would run things in a manner most righteous.
