
Against the Odds


01-04-2015, 06:49 PM

(OOC: The way the thread is moving right now, I thought it would be better to post Zola next ;3)

Lian's idea was pretty reasonable... Nothing that could make Lel angry with them. Nothing would cause any serious harm. Zola sat up a little straighter, her ears flicking in many directions but her eyes never left her little brother wondering the open space. She was thinking on what they could do... And a vague idea struck her mind but she wasn't all about explaining it to Lian. Maybe a good idea... maybe a bad. It wasn't like they could just jump out of the bushes and yell "boo."

So seeing it as the first idea to come to mind, she took immediate action. Her body sprung off her haunches as she flew through the bush, sticks prickling at her and catching in her fur enough to make her look a little frazzled. She may have caught a couple puny cuts under her coat, but nothing that would make her die.

"Oh, Calder!" She ran as fast as she could to her little brother, putting up a pretty nice act if she could say so herself... "Calder, help me!" She slid to a stop behind him, trying not to make eye contact though her eyes were filled with fear and she even tried to make them tear up a little as she looked toward the forest where she came. "It's the Bandersnatch! He's coming for us!"

She wondered what Lian would do... If he was analyzing his own plan or if he would just sit back and watch. But what fun would that be? Surely he had something on his mind...

Walk "Talk" Think