
Demons Never Die [Meeting]



06-01-2013, 01:35 AM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2013, 01:37 AM by Chrysanthe.)
His deep voice was barely recognized by his own sister. It had been so long since she had spoken to him, seen him, their own father thought that he had vanished. And so his appearance, at first, sparked a bit of joy within the female's heart. And then, he spoke - and Chrysanthe froze, her veins filling with ice as he took on the tone of a tyrant. She held back a snarl, curling toward him but saying nothing.

He dismissed Icarus, something that neither pleased her nor made her angry - the man had been silent thus far, and she, as well as many of the others here were probably tired of waiting for his input. Yet the way that he was dismissed only added to the dark edge that her bright eyed brother had brought to this gathering. He was here, after being gone for so long - and already making rules and demands and she felt her frustration coil into white hot rage as he had the audacity to start giving out ranks as well.

Her stomach was still in knots, but her nausea would be placed aside as she stared the bastard down, her ears pulling back in aggitation as she closed the distance between then just slightly. "You think that you can march in here after months of being missing and take this pack as your own?" She asked quietly, bitterness on the edge of her words. "I will not be second to you Syrinx - you will prove yourself just as I have, as Epiphron has - and if it has to be done right here then so be it!" She barked, and for the first time in a long time her temper truly flared.

He thought himself high and mighty? She would cut him down where he stood.

"Father gave the throne to Icarus, to hand to Epiphron who has just handed it to me. That leaves me in charge, and I am the wolf that you have to go through before you start barking orders." She wasn't completely up for this, there was something wrong with her stomach and she had been so tired - but fire and fury and adrenaline and the need to protect these wolves from the beast that her brother had become pushed her higher. "Wolves of Valhalla this meeting is ajurned - it is now a challenge for the throne. I am sorry about the interruption, but this is something that has to be done." She was doing it for them - she hoped that they would understand.

And then her attention was back on her brother, her blue eyes steeled and her body tense. He would be a fool not to recognize her stance - that of a warrior prepared to fight. Her eyes narrowed at him, her claws clenching at the ground beneath her. The hackles along her back and neck were raised, her shoulders rolled and tensed to protect the sides of her neck, and her head was lowered over her throat, her lips raised into a silent snarl.

"Your move."