
they've got a plan for us

Mercy I


5 Years

01-04-2015, 07:09 PM

She had heard rumors of this area, the metal glinting in the sunlight. The tall dame wandered aimlessly across the fallen objects, hips swaying as she weaved around a large, rusty object. She sniffed at it, its metallic scent smelling a lot like blood. Her purple gaze roamed upwards, taking in the strange looking thing. What in the world had this been used for? Mercy circled around it, dainty paws waring a path around it. She had no idea that there was another wolf coming towards her, she was much to interested in the things around her. Muscles rolled beneath her pale coat as she moved on, elongated tail waving behind her like a banner. She was a beautiful young girl, there was no doubt. A bit plain, taken, the only colour other than white were the black markings on her face. Maybe it was her longer tail that was her main feature, or perhaps that she was well built. Mercy had all the curves and features of a woman, but the body of a growing warrior.

The girl paused as she made her way to a large sword sticking out of the earth, jagged metal sparking before her. Raising a single paw she stretched forward, laying the pad of her paw against the cold steel. Head tilted to the side, eyes wide as she leaned closer. It was too rusted to see herself within it, but it wasn't that that she was interested in. She could tell that it had been sharp, like some strange claw ripping from the landscape. Time had made it dull though, the sheen that it once had lost to time. Was this something that came from another animal? It was cold, and smelled strange. It didn't look like a bone... but then what put it here?

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.