
The Same old Song and Dance



06-01-2013, 01:48 AM (This post was last modified: 06-01-2013, 02:03 AM by Song.)

One thing Song adored was the snow. She was incredibly depressed though, it was winter but it wasn't cold enough to freeze the droplets. Instead she was flatted against a rocky outcropping miserable because it was thunder storming. This was the first time she had to endure such weather with out the comforting presence of her parents. Her soaking ears were plastered to her head, her look of discomfort very much obvious. She wasn't afraid of the noise the lightning made anymore. She was afraid of getting hit with the bolt. Hence why she was as far away from the open ground as she could get.

She was still getting wet though.
Audible whines escaped her throat, no one was around so at least she didn't have to worry about someone hearing her pup like antics. Embarrassed she pushed her eyes closed, she knew she shouldn't stress so much about a little storm. Deep breaths. In... out...
She was still learning emotional control, normally it was easy. There was just something about storms. Front paws extended frontward to put her in in a more horizontal position. Maybe sleeping would help? It was the middle of the night though and she wasn't ready to lay her head down. It looked like she was going to have to wait this one out.
Suddenly a break in the clouds appeared over the she wolf, it was completely clear and completely quiet. Song let her eyes slip open to behold the beautiful scene. It was a giant hole in the storm. the clearing seemed to have brought with it the wrath of winter. A shiver went down her spine as she was drawn out into the open. The scene was gorgeous. Flecks of frozen water fell lazily down from the sky. It was like a paradise.
Her white paws carried her slowly out, joy leapt within her heart as the wind caused the flakes to start dancing around her. She was compelled to join them in their festivities and before she knew it her paws were getting away with her. She twisted and turned around smoothly dancing to nothing but the distant roll of thunder. Dainty paws were flung this way and that happily. Her face graced with a joyous smile. Snow.
