
right back to you


01-04-2015, 08:44 PM
Manners... Had they come with motherhood? Or would they flee once she knew they were back on a safe paw? She wasn't entirely sure but she would sit languidly, head raised and shoulders back as she awaited the bear king's arrival. He would worm his way slowly from the narrow entrance of his den and Dione would cock a brow even as he spoke. She would stand slowly and place the branch with tiny green buds speared on the ends before him before stepping back and bowing her nose to the ground, head inclined to the left in clear submission to him before once again settling back into a seated position and smiling impishly at him. "A peace offering... Eat the green at the ends. I already had some before coming here..." She would say, words rolling off her tongue as she nodded for him and glanced expectantly at the sticky pungent smelling buds she had offered him. "I apologize for not coming sooner or at a less ungodly time, pregnancy did not settle well with me. I spent the entire time puking and being a grade a bitch because of it. I suppose after that I was worried you might kick us to the curb for not even giving you the good grace of a heads up... " She mused, smiling softly as she thought back to Valentine meeting her children for the first time. Damn he had been better with them then she was half the time, maybe that was why she wanted to keep them sequestered away in their home, away from outside influences.