
WAKE UP! [Fight Training]

Aerndís I


5 Years
01-04-2015, 11:18 PM (This post was last modified: 01-04-2015, 11:19 PM by Aerndís I.)
ooc:  I have permission to assume Skadi, Eca and Colten are here also I'm just going to have Aern refer to everyone by name to make the fighting pairs easier to identify then her saying ok you with the thing fight you with the other thing.  

Next Deadline to start your spars is January 9 at 7:00 pm ala time.  1-2 rounds.  Default time encouraged to prevent these dragging on too long.  Whether or not you want them judged is up to you but we do have eager trainees and judges hoping to refresh.  Reminder, defaults will not be judged so please do your best to finish these.  Thanks!

Now this was more like it!  Aern watched with glee as the wolves rolled in, a better turn out than she was expecting to be perfectly honest.  Good to see the Queen of Arcanum ran her pack with discipline and precision.  The Queen herself was the first to arrive and Aerndís was pleased to see she'd managed to drop her brats and looked to be getting into fit fighting shape.  Excellent.  The gladiatrix grinned.  "Eager to do what I was made to do.  I live for battle."  

Behind Cataleya slunk the little slave woman.  She smelt of the beginnings of pregnancy but neither that nor her shy demeaner would prevent Aerndís from attempting to force the little tramp to fight.  The ways of the warrior were cruel and unfair.  Just because you didn't want to fight didn't mean you could avoid it forever.  Sooner or later you would either fight or die.

Basanti, the Dauphin was the next to arrive and Aern nodded in greeting, reserving her name for when everyone had arrived and my what a range of wolves, young and old, experienced and inexperienced and in a wide variety of builds.  Perfect.  When it seemed that everyone who would arrived had arrived the mottled goddess moved to address them.

"Welcome, all.  I'm sure you're wondering who the hell I am.  I am Aerndís Thyre, new militant of Arcanum, former gladiator for the Desansa.  I want to see what the scourge of Arcanum has in terms of battle skill." Aern paced confidently, like a drill sergeant inspecting her troops, taking in forms, ages and quickly pairing them in her head.  "For those of you unfamiliar with the arts of battle…. thats unfortunate, I'll be tossing you off a cliff, so to speak.  Everyone here is going to be paired off and will be required to fight. If you desire more training in the basics feel free to see me after ward but for now I want to see what you've got.  Oh… and since our numbers are uneven Meinx will not be participating due to illness." She took a moment to nod to the other woman in acknowledgement.  Shame.  She was looking forward to fighting the other woman again.

"The matches are as follows.  Basanti and Caeto.  Colten and Novocaine.  Aislinn and Skadi.  Eca and Atka.  Amarant and Freya.  Ekko and Niketas.   And…. well…. that leaves me and Cataleya."  She grinned, lavender gaze drifting to the Queen.  Ohhhhh she was looking forward to this.  Watching this woman rip into the hapless king of the former Solstice.  It had been a thrilling battle.  "If some of these matches seem unfair to you that is unfortunate.  The battlefield isn't fair.  You'll face opponents, older, younger, larger, smaller, more experienced or less experienced than you are.  You'll have to deal with it.  And just because you fear confrontation or would walk the paths of pacifism doesn't mean there aren't wolves waiting to cut you down.... Now begin, lets mark our territory with our blood."  Grinning she moved to stand across from Cataleya, creating a six foot space for them to work with and quickly set her defenses.  "My Queen, the first move is yours should you desire it."
