
Demons Never Die [Meeting]



06-01-2013, 03:06 AM
There was no going back now. The look in his eyes said it all - he would not renounce his faux leadership - faux, because he had all but vanished when Valhalla needed this family and come back blasphemous. She would not let him tear her down, she would not let him bring Valhalla to its knees before him. Syrinx would always be her beloved brother, but at this moment he was her greatest adversary. He was what she had trained for, why she fought on the battlefield, why she pushed herself. To protect the crown, and protect the wolves of Valhalla - she would not, could not lose.

His size was a barricade, one that she would have to take into consideration during every step of this fight. She would have to be quick on her feet, fight with quick movements and never allow him to throw his weight around without her ready to counter or react. Fluid, agile in comparison to the behemoth, she would play to her strengths, while calculating his weaknesses. Her eyes were narrowed at him, devistated at how he could stand before these wolves and take what he had left behind without a hint of regret. No apologies, no explainations, only hoards upon hoards of unabolished pride and selfishness. Her hackles remained standing in her mixture of disgust and surprise, her tail raised behind her for balance and to state her dominance.

He was not what Valhalla needed. She was what Valhalla needed. And she refused to let them down.

As he rammed himself forward, she pulled to her right as quickly as she could, knowing better than to try and knock into him head on as she would an opponent on more equal grounds in terms of size. It was just enough to avoid being barreled into, and hopefully it would use his momentum against him. A complete miss - she was no fool, he had enough weight on her to end this fight with just that! His teeth pulled against the flesh just above her left ear though, as he snagged her before she could completely pull away, tugging away fur and skin as she put distance between them. His outstretched paw swiped at the side of her left leg, leaving inflamed scratches, but no blood would be drawn by his claws alone.

She would move toward him in a sudden lunge, but all four of her feet would remain planted on the ground. Her jaws were agape, her muzzle crinkled in a partial snarl, and her teeth were aimed for his side on his left, just above his flank. Her head was still lowered in an attempt to protect her throat and her shoulders rolled and tensed to protect the sides of her neck. It was a quick movement, her limbs moving fluidly she aimed to snap at him with as much pressure as her teeth could muster, preparing for her next assault. Her right paw would shoot out to try and pull at his left leg, hopefully yanking hard enough and suddenly enough to throw him off kilter. If she managed to get a grip on the flesh of his flank with her teeth, she would use it to pivot herself, tugging at his flesh as she pulled her body behind her, forming a lopsided 'T' shape with their bodies.

attacks: a bite to Syrinx's flank, clawing at his left back leg

defenses: eyes narrowed, jaws agape, head lowered, muzzle crinkled, shoulders rolled, hackles raised, feet on the ground, tail positioned for balance

injuries: scratches on her left leg, bitten above her left ear

Round one of three