
WAKE UP! [Fight Training]


01-05-2015, 01:47 PM
Posting spars in separate threads will make things easier, especially if you want it judged.

They would all trickle in, just as they always did. Ekko would slip in beside her, remaining silent, trying to remain unnoticed. But that certainly did not happen. The scent of pregnancy surrounded her. The little whore had gotten herself pregnant. Idly she wondered who could have sired the little bastards. Coltens scent had clung to the womans pelt on more than one occasion, though the boy was far to young to sire anything more than dreams. Her eldest daughter would arrive first and she would return the smile. A nod of her head was the most greeting anyone really got. Meinx. Aislinn. Amarant. Caeto. Niceties. Freya. Novocaine. Aka and Skadi. Ecaterina. Colten. But there were still several missing. Kylar, Maija, Empyrea, Cairus. She would frown. She had not expected Maija to be absence, though perhaps she was still trying to keep the little rat, Cairus, alive. She would say nothing about their absence for the moment. Aerndis would begin speak, pairing everyone off in matches she approved of. A smirk would curl her lips when Aerndis paired them together. This would be fun.

She would rise, about to take a step away to begin her spar when Ekkos voice filled her ears. Lips curled into a silent snarl as the tiny woman begged to be left out. Amaranth would speak up in her defenses, immediately pulling a vicious sound from curled lips. "You will do as your told." She would tower over the small woman, tail flipping up dominantly as her hackles bristled. Narrowed gaze rested on Ekko's face. "Now go, you little whore." Words fell quietly enough so that only Ekko could hear, and perhaps Aerndis, if she was close enough. She would let it be known that she knew of the lives that grew in the womans belly. Her gaze would rise to find Amarant. "You will remain with the partner assigned to you." Her words echoed loudly, refusing to be questioned. Her gaze would then find Niketas. He was the son of Maija. She doubted he would inflict any serious harm on her little slave. "Now, begin." She would snap to the rest of them, turning to her partner after stepping away from the crowd.
