



5 Years
01-05-2015, 03:21 PM (This post was last modified: 01-05-2015, 05:58 PM by Nyx.)


BEWARE! There be sexiness below! My wonderful darlings have been a bit bored lately, and I want to stir things up! Below you'll find their name, age, and an abbrieviated version of their alignment, followed by a short paragraph outlining personalities, aspirations, skills and quirks, as well as what might already be tying them down.


Raisa Xanilov: everyone's favorite usurped queen. She's had quite the rough time lately. She has recently reconnected with her children, and can be found wandering around in the east. She has love plots going on already, so mits off! For her, I'd like to find some new friends or allies, someone who could help her get back on her paws (likely with a healthy dose of sass/indignation)

Oh, the lovely Astrid! Chaotic Evil is such a harsh term, don't you think? She might not claw out your eyes, but I wouldn't put it past her to try to slip something into your food. A budding alchemist, and with more IQ points than she knows what to do with, Astrid is always looking for someone to bicker with. Her tongue is sharp, but her lack of naturally violent tendencies makes her a relatively safe bet for those who want to keep their parts in tact. Currently she is searching for her wayward siblings and uncles (the Hroovy lads,) and mucking about with Valen and some other young bucks.


A fiery youngling (Seriously, have you seen her coat?) Bryn is about as responsible as a highschooler who was just left home alone for the weekend for the very first time. It's hard to hold her interest, but she makes for an EXCELLENT travel companion! I'd like to get something a little more long term for her, something interesting. I have plenty of muse for this one but nowhere to throw her! She's not much for packs, but she might give it a shot. Currently without love as well *wink wink*

Freyja doesn't think she's better than you, she knows she is. Disdain flows from her every pore, and she's more than willing to back up  a crass statement with her jaws. She is a warrior through and through, a battle goddess, eager to find a cause to pledge herself to (Though only the gods know if she can find one she feels is worth her time.) When she's not actively trying to chase another off her turf, she lets a softer side show. I'm really ready for anything with this one. I'd like her to find love, but I'm not sure if that's currently possible? Regardless, she definitely needs some friends.


There's not a bad bone in this girl's body, but she's not exactly the sort to throw herself in front of a bear for you. She might watch from the sidelines and cheer you on, though. Her quirk? She think's she see spirits in the form of little light orbs, which follow her around form time to time. Honestly, she's probably got some sort of mental disorder. Still, other than the apparaitions it doesn't affect her daily interactions... too much. She's a sweet, bubbly creature who needs some pals! She MIGHT be joining Ebony, but other than that I have nothing going for her.


Oh goodness, Toxin is a little punk. New born litter of Imperium, son to Novaro and Dione. He is already being molded into a violent, nasty little cannibal. But it is early yet! I'm open to all sorts of short and long term plot ideas for him! He's pretty harmless right now, so don't worry. I mean, Dione might come hunt you down, but other than that you don't have TOO much to worry about. He's gonna be an ass, but he's just so cute, how can you resist?


Everyone's favorite grumpy grandpa trapped in the body of a massive 42" wolf. Lyon is an ass, and he's not afraid to let you know that within the first five seconds of meeting him. It's not unheard of him for him to have a good day, though! They're just... mega-rare, is all. Currently he is being followed plagued by his half-sister Sacha, and has recently fathered a bastard litter on Daegmar Thyre, but he is not tied down by a mate or a pack! Get at me if you have any ideas.


Unborn daughter of Lyon and Daeg! When she does come about, expect all her father's sass and all her mother's... well, sass! She's going to be a handful, and as martial as her name sake. She will be one of the three recent litters in Imperium Ala's favorite babysitting service and I'd love to find her some playmates!


Think 'Finn the Human' and you've pretty much got his character down. Newborn pup, son of Valentine and Cascade, most recent addition to Imperium. He's a loving kid, will grow to be 42" inches, and would be thrilled to find some chaos to set right... Or maybe to just make some chaos in the first place. You know, when his eyes open and whatnot. For him I don't want to focus on love for quite some time, and I mean not until he's like 2 or 3 years old. What he IS interested in is rough housing and friendly competition. He's gonna be a cutie pie for sure.

You know you want in on this. Just post below with who you're interested, what you're offering, and when you want it to go down! I'll reply either here or via skype or something. Oh yeah, feel free to message me on Skype too! Or a PM. Or a Carrier Pigeon. You've got options!