
Tainted Love


01-05-2015, 04:13 PM

She was to battle Caeto. She had seen the boy in passing at several meetings, and she honestly wasnt sure why he was even still part of the pack. He did not, barely showed his face to anyone. But her mother had allowed him to stay. She wouldn't question it, he must have a purpose if her mother allowed him. An outburst would hold her attention only for a moment. Part of her pitied the tiny woman, forced to fight while pregnant, but her mother had not built this pack by allowing to weak to drag them down. Turning away, she would find Caeto, a polite smile lifting her lips. She towered over the boy, as she did many. Her goal was to place him directly before her, with only a few feet parting them. "You may have the first move if you wish." Her defenses settled into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with her spine, chin tucked, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistance and bent at the joint, weight evenly distributed, tail straight and aligned with her spine, toes splayed while her claws dug into the earth. It had been so long since she had last found herself in the heat of battle. Perhaps later she would travel to the battlefield and engage in some new competition.

"BASANTI vs CAETO for SPAR: round0/2"

"Burn Baby Burn"