
Is There Anywhere Left To Go But Down?



3 Years
01-05-2015, 06:12 PM
Her eyes would remain closed at first, her mind, her heart, trying to make sense of the words. Svetlana was quiet, listening trying to understand. Sometimes families weren't meant to live side by side. That contradicted what her family had believed, holding strength in each other. But listening to this young man speak of his own family, who seemed to know of having them scattered about, it started to make the pale gray girl realize some things. Her family was strong... and they did truly love each other. But that didn't mean that they always had to be together, breathing down each other's necks. It was... okay for them to have their own destinies. To choose their own path.

Bright blue eyes would slowly open, and Svetlana would lift her gaze to the youth before her. She was, truthfully, in awe. It seemed so simple yet... she hadn't realized it herself. Maybe Svetlana was still clinging to the dreams she had as a child, the want of all of them in one place. To know that they were safe. Protected. But... how could they live if they were always held down in the same place? Of course some of their desires would be different. Their goals... she found a sort of peace with the situation now, breathing out.

"It's kind of funny... It seems like such a simple answer yet... it evaded me for so long. I guess you really don't see it that way until you've met someone else who has gone through the same." She would sniff lightly, shaking her head. Feeling silly now that he had seen her tears. 

"I guess I keep thinking like I did when I was a kid. Things were so much simpler back then..." Truly they were. "I'm Svetlana Xanilov, by the way. My mother, Rasia, had founded Ebony here."
[Image: svetlana_by_myowncuttlefish-d963v5e.png]
[Image: svetlana_by_reflectedmemories-d8khd1u.png]
[Image: sig_zps8805ea78.png]