
Is There Anywhere Left To Go But Down?



9 Years
Athena I
01-05-2015, 07:12 PM

Leo sat quietly and waited while the girl processed what he said. He knew it was a lot to take in. It had taken him much of his young life to accept and he wasn't even certain he had fully embraced it yet. However, he did believe it was true and she didn't seem to be protesting yet so maybe she believed it too. Finally her sky-blue eyes opened and she looked up at him as she spoke. He smiled softly and nodded in understanding. "Sometimes it just takes a fresh perspective," he added. Part of him wished someone had told him all of that back in the day when his family first started to scatter, but he was glad to be able to comfort this girl even a little bit with what he had learned.

He chuckled and nodded again when she mentioned the simplicity of the early days. That was for sure. Back when he was still in a pack, when things were basically taken care of for him, back before his family was broken apart. Oh those were the good days. She introduced himself and he dipped his head low in a small bow, always the chivalrous gentleman.  "It's a pleasure to meet you, Svetlana. I am Aaron Leopold Adravendi-Mathis, but please call me Leo. He chuckled and raised back to a normal sitting position, his tail thumping lightly on the ground behind him. 

He had heard of the Ebony pack, although he had yet to meet anyone from it. He didn't smell the scent of a pack on her however. His head tipped gently to the side, his gaze curious. "How come you aren't in Ebony?"

"Talk" "You" Think