
say a prayer and let the good times roll (KENO)



2 Years
01-05-2015, 08:28 PM

She had been under a large amount of stress to find this plant to save her mother's life and it was starting to wear down on her. Her eyes were filled with nervous tints as she considered giving up and starting a new life in these lands in which she was born. But where was she to begin in such an endeavor? She wandered around a violent mountain in search of some answers to keep her focused and clear. She needed a mission for she was a very task-oriented girl and while she had a task, she was beginning to lose faith in it thinking that it was just as her uncle Halgen had described: a myth. She had a desperate look on her face as the odd girl climbed up closer to the summit of the dangerous terrain.

"Gd'damit." The words were muttered and cursed under the tenor voices in her breathe. The more important question she needed to ask herself was if she was ready to give up. What if her mother still had time left and what if her mother wasn't gone yet? Could she really give up on all of them? Her mother and father raised a girl who never gave up. Sequoyah, what would he say if he had learned she had given up on the search? What would Aithusia and Kilgharrah say if they learned of such things as well? Would they all look down upon her despite herself doing her best. She closed her eyes, taking in the mountain air as she took a deep breathe to try and clear her mind so she could think. She didn't know what to do.