
dancin' for no reason



7 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
01-06-2015, 10:35 AM
The wolf who came to her call was not Valen, but Mercy. Cascade blinked in a moment of consternation, having not expected company, but the girl wasn't unwelcome. "Hey there, Mercy," she greeted with a smile. "I'm doing good, really, I don't need anything. How've you been? Keeping everyone on their toes for me while I'm too fat and slow to do it?"

Another arrival at the entrance of her den, another packmate she'd actually met before. Ellis, the pack healer. Good instincts! Though at the healer's words Cascade had to grin. "Yeah I know. No big deal. Been for a little bit. It's not so bad, you know?" And it really wasn't - the contractions were a bit closer together, a bit stronger since she'd first called but certainly nothing unbearable. She eyed the herbs the healer shoved toward her, but disregarded them. No need to go chewing on random rabbit-food unless she actually needed to, right?

She was saved from needing to articulate this by Valen's appearance. She grinned at his question and winked at him. "Always miss you when you're gone, dahling," she drawled. "But also thought maybe you should know that your spawn are fixing to escape, if you get the drift. They're making a break for it." A particularly strong contraction gripped her, and she closed her eyes to concentrate on just breathing throughout it. Well, couldn't imagine it would be too long then. She had to wonder if she'd managed to sleep through most of the early labor stuff. Maybe not - wasn't it supposed to be a lot worse than this? "Soooo anything I'm missing in the Outside World?" she continued on as the contraction passed, seeking to take her visitors' minds off the fact that she was well, in labor, but also genuinely curious. She'd spent more than enough time cooped up here.


Cascade's "baby daddy" (Valentine) and her children (Angelus, Seraphim, Evangeline, and Chaos) are allowed in any of her threads, regardless of whether or not they are marked private. Because they are all special rays of sunshine.

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