
Standing toe to toe



8 Years
Athena I
01-06-2015, 03:30 PM

It had been quite a while since he had been forced to fight. In fact, he was almost certain that the last time he had sparred was with Surreal, back before he even came to live with her in Valhalla. However, that didn't mean he wasn't well trained and couldn't easily spot a wolf falling into their defenses and preparing to attack. Catalya did just that and he quickly did the same. He was rusty and certainly in no shape for this to be a fair fight, but if he was going to go down he would go down swinging. His ears fell back against his skull and his tail went out to be even with his spine to improve his balance while his large paws spread out evenly under him into a widened, more stable stance. He pulled his chin down to help protect his throat and his lips pulled up in a snarl to expose his teeth. His muscles tensed to prepare for her attack and his knees bent slightly to give him a better range of motion and also to help absorb the impact of her attack. His eyes narrowed into slits, his hackles raised protectively, and his toes spread, his claws digging into the soil.

She would attack as suddenly as she had appeared, coming out with guns blazing. She reared up so that she could overcome their height difference and Falk quickly tried to stagger back to escape her reach. He took a step or two backwards, still keeping his widened stance and bent knees in place when he did, but he wasn't entirely successful in escaping her grasp. He saw her jaws heading towards his face and reared his head back and to his right and also quickly squeezed his eyes shut in an attempt to further his distance from them and also give his eyes a little more protection. Between that and his steps back he managed to keep her teeth from fully biting into his eyes. Instead, one half of her jaws raked across his left eye, cutting into the lid deeply and sending searing pain through him. The other half of her teeth bit into the right side of his muzzle, putting shallow cuts there since her teeth were no longer flush with his face since he had turned it. Her shoulder also came up to jab his throat, but since he had disrupted her original hold her last attack was less powerful that it might have originally been, leaving his airway clear, but still potentially leaving some bruising there.

His eye hurt like hell and he could feel the blood running down the left side of his face, but he didn't have time to dwell on that now. His left eye remained closed, but he opened his right eye back into the protective slit that it had been before. Since she was up on her hind legs, he wanted to use his bent knees to his advantage and tried to push up ward and also forward with his chest into hers, attempting to knock her over. He wanted to at least get her off of him, but it would be a bonus if he could also throw her to the ground, although he knew it was unlikely for him to have enough power for him to do much of anything right now with his body in such a state. Since his head was already turned slightly to his right and since her head would be higher than his with her attack to his face, he would turn his head more to the right so that his jaws could attempt to open and be able to close around her throat. He did this at the same time as his shove so that if he wasn't able to knock her off he might still be able to get a bite in or maybe use her throat as another purchase to shove her with. His goal was to put pressure on her windpipe with his jaws, but he wasn't against doing more damage if she struggled against his hold.

Catalya vs Falk for.... prevention of full blinding? lol Round 1/2