
The World Crumbling Beneath Me

Helios I


9 Years
01-06-2015, 09:45 PM


His daughter skipped away from him, narrowing her eyes and denying him both verbally and with her body language. He sighed, though made no further moves towards her. He wanted nothing more than to drag her home. To force her to see reason but he had already resigned himself to possibly losing her too. After all, what was one more child to the gods that had already taken so many from him? S

Still the next wolf that approached not one that made him feel any better. The woman that had attacked his wife after he had exerted his right as an alpha! This would be the second time she stumbled upon him close to losing a child and it was a pattern he was tired of already. The silver woman spoke of taking Chione into her pack and he narrowed his eyes at her. Slowly shifting to a more defensive position.

There was no real chance for action however as another wolf joined the congregation. For a second he felt the annoyance rising higher before he heard the words and recognized Apollo. The mask of indifference he usually sported when the albino boy showed up was replaced with an glance of appreciation. The words that fell from the cherry boy’s lips sent a wave of relief through him.

But then of course another would join them! Words of what she sought to do if his daughter joined would reach his ears and a soft growl rippled from his throat but was cut short by Chione’s own words. Despite himself a flash of pride in his daughter’s attitude towards those that wanted to claim her would show across his face.

“Chione…” He began softly. “You don’t have to come home, just come with me. I won’t take you home.” He moved only a step closer to her, then cast a gaze at his traitorous son.

“What does… what does Charon say?” Normally he avoided brining up his daughter’s inner demon but if he had been silent in the presence of the albino he’d let her go. He’d rather she be free from the demon’s thrall than with him, so long as the silver woman didn’t get her. Maybe the idea that his daughter had a voice in her head would turn the woman off. 

