
Standing toe to toe


01-07-2015, 11:10 PM

His defenses would mimic her own. At least he was smart enough to know he was going to have to fight his way out. He would move only when she reared before, he would take a step or two back, she couldn't be certain, but it didn't matter. Blood spilled across her tongue in a bright flash of pure ecstasy. Her lower fangs had slashed his left eyelid, though his precious eyes remained intact. Upper fangs found the right side of his muzzle, uselessly scrapping against flesh. However, it had been disappointing when her shoulder did not do its intended damage of jabbing his windpipe, though even as he had moved, her left shoulder continued forward, only to potentially lightly bruise his throat. She would maintain her reared position, forelegs lifting in an attempt to wrap about his neck, just above his shoulders for a sort of bear hug.

He would strike back, his chest colliding heavily with her own, causing a moderate bruise to flare across the entire lower portion of her chest. But due to the spreading of her hind legs, and her left hind leg being slightly farther back, she did not topple over backwards. Her balance was only moderately affected that she stabilized with her tail acting as a rudder and her hind legs bending a little deeper. At this point her jaws would pull back slightly, remaining wide open, lips curled back. She would then try to push her forward and into him, potentially causing the bruising of her chest to worsen. His jaws shot towards her in sync with his shove, aiming to grab a hold of her throat. But due her crown having been tipped to her left, and chin still partially tucked, her would grab a hold of fat and fur along the lower part of her throat/upper part of her chest, defenses shielding vitals. Moderate puncture wounds would dot her chest as he sank his fangs in. With jaws still splayed, she would again seek out to attack his face, hoping that the closure of his left eye would prevent him from seeing an attack coming. Splayed jaws against sought his eyes, upper fangs looking to once more puncture his right eye, while lower jaws sought out his left eye.

All the while defenses remained intact: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, head level with spine, chin tucked, shoulders rolled forward, neck scrunched as much as possible, hind legs spread equidistant and bent deeply, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, weight evenly distributed across her hind legs, tail straight and aligned with her spine.