
love me like a love song baby


01-08-2015, 03:50 PM
#1; background-position: bottom; background-repeat:no-repeat;  border:2px solid #9ba17b;">

The coming of spring had brought even more energy to the pups. Even Finch...well, slightly. She had been able to go outside more, instead of staying in the shelter of the den. It made her happy! Today, all of them were out, probably playing in the warmth of the sun. But she was a little worried. She kept reminding herself, as long as they were in Abaven...she had nothing to worry about. Even though she had wanted to get up and check them numerous times, repeatedly convincing herself they were perfectly fine. Ah, being a mother was hard. It was so...stressful. She wondered how Bass was handling this. It seemed like he was constantly taking breaks, slipping from the den and doing his boy things. Hanging around with his own buddies, discussing pack stuff, etc. She was sure it was important. But even despite his escapes, he seems to have a blast with his pups. Always smiling, acting so hyper. What a natural father.

Speaking of him...wasn't he still in the den? Sleeping, maybe, or eating in there? Or did he slip out without her knowing? Currently, she was sitting outside the den, worrying over her children. She didn't even think about him probably being behind her or very near her. Wren blinked quickly and sat up, twisting around and sticking her head into the den. She looked around, light minty eyes searching for the large man who she called her husband. "Sei qui, amore mio?"
