
Everyone's a winner [MTG]



8 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-08-2015, 04:10 PM

Mr. Grumpy Paws himself had found himself neatly tucked back into the oh so warm embrace of a pack, thanks to the sneaky Daegmar and her intoxicating heat scent. Now that it was spring and her heat had faded it was a lot easier to think, and he found himself cursing his decision.

Still, he was already here anyway. The land Imperium had chosen was rather different than the last pack he'd belonged to. Arcanum - later Elysium - had chosen gloomy, forested lands suitable only to be creepy and clammy. This boy at least had chosen his land based on prey rather than personality. Except that it was considerably warmer than the northern lands of his birth, he may have still been running with Thor and the others out on raids for all the difference there was.

The voice that rose over the knolls to call the pack together caught his attention, and skull-masked face rose as Hati listened. Well, there was another difference - it wasn't his father who led this pack. Hati was wary of the tall youth's inexperience, warier yet that he had yet to meet any of the boy's ranking wolves to judge them for himself. Who was he following, exactly?

Well, now was the time to find out.

The hellhound turned heavily to follow the sound and had arrived in fairly short order. Brooding eyes traveled the group - the alpha, a few younger wolves, one obviously nursing mother whose ebony fur flashed faintly violet in the light... unusual enough, that last one, except then his gaze touched upon a far more unusual sight - a bright GREEN wolf with what amounted to a mane of fur on her head. What the fuck...? Had she rolled in something? Painted herself? Not paint... could still be dye... but then he took in the horns that topped that mop of hair. What.... the... fuck...

Those weren't decorative like his mask.... those were actually growing out of her green head. The fact that she grew horns lent credence to the odd coloring of her fur, and the hellhound's hackles bristled unconsciously. "What the hell are you?" he demanded rudely. His pelt prickled uncomfortably as he had a sudden thought. Was she sick somehow? Some sort of weird fungus or something? Was it... contagious?

Movement drew his attention to the three little rats she'd gathered around herself, and his lip curled in disgust. Damn, even the rodents she'd birthed looked like a bear had eaten a whole blueberry bush and vomited it back up. The hell kind of madhouse had Daegmar dragged him into this time?

Hati isn't nice. He swears, he is violent, and is more than a little insane. If you can't handle what might come of that don't thread with him.

Hati wears a bear skull on his head unless otherwise stated in the post. He also has a ram's skull that might be switched in sometimes if he finds it again.
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