
Mother Dearest [Destruction]


06-01-2013, 11:58 AM
Dillinger's ears flickered in the den his mother had chosen. Did he love her? Perhaps. love was a difficult concept for the tiny life, his mother hadn't shown him a great deal of it. His snarl would be strong as he huffed and reclined to his haunches. He had no wish to socialize with the wolves of Seracia, he was perfectly content in his bubble, he wasn't a heavy socializer. A frown would tug at the corners of his maw and he would huff, reclining to his haunches as he waited for his mother to return. He wanted to know why she had chosen this place of all places to make their home, why here? This group didn't seem like his mom, not at all.

Absently his teeth tore into the hare his mother had left for him, now wondering where his mom had gotten off too that she felt she needed to feed him before she returned, she was already teaching him how to hunt, how to fight. He would be the best warrior she had ever seen, he would make her proud. he polished off his meal with flourish and still his mother did not appear on the horizon, nor did her scent taint the air, finally, growing fed up and frustrated, the lad would pad out of the den, dipping his head to the earth, and beginning his track of her.

His journey led him to the more forest-like section of Seracia, his still small body twining around the trees and vegetation. Where in the seven hells was she, and why the hell wasn't she with him? A small bark would rip from his larynx, calling the woman, calling him mom. She was his was she not? Nothing would ever come between them.

(((Short post is short ;_;)))