
white noise. {jupiter}



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
01-08-2015, 08:41 PM (This post was last modified: 01-08-2015, 08:42 PM by Epiphron.)
What does she have to lose? She is quick to lay out her terms -- she will serve under Jupiter's rule so long as she is promised her freedom if she requests it. For her, family comes first, regardless of other obligations; nothing is above blood for the Adravendi woman. Now that she has reunited with her children and is certain they are all well, she knows she needs to find purpose outside of their lives, for they have moved on without her and no longer require her constant attention -- not that they ever needed it for long.

It takes the other woman a moment to agree, but Epiphron finds herself smiling, with the briefest hint of mischief in her gaze. "I appreciate this," she says finally, taking the moment of silence to consider. She had known nothing but positive things about Jupiter, and about Ludicael; she had no doubt she would be satisfied here.

Epiphron would slowly rise as Jupiter moved to turn, stretching her limbs and letting her tail curve momentarily above her back. "A tour would be wonderful," she agrees readily. "It's a shame I never came to visit sooner..." her saccharine tones are nostalgic. Things had not been simple then, but she couldn't help but feel wistful as she recalled the days when she had ruled the kingdom of Seracia alongside her former husband. Perhaps, here, she could build a better life again -- she knew there was a slim chance of it getting any worse than it had been the last few seasons.