
Sixteen Candles


06-01-2013, 12:00 PM

She would display a submissive posture immediately, tail twining around the inner thigh of her hind limb, ears pinning back against her cranium and her head lowering to the earth. He towered over her like the King he was and she allowed it, wishing to prove she meant no harm, no trouble upon his lands. It appears talking to his father had slipped Maverick's mind and with all the poor boy had going on... she couldn't rightly blame him...regardless, she now needed to apologize to the man's father if not for her own sake, but to keep the bond between Glaciem and Seracia, what she must have looked like flying into Seracia's borders! She would dip her head low and the question was a command, bellowed from the chest of the behemoths body, before she could answer, however, shock seemed to register across his face and immediately he recoiled, reclining to his haunches as he apologized.

She shook her head, a soft laugh spilling from her maw as she drew her legs beneath to sit up, to better see the King before her. Her head careened from side to side, denying his apology. "No my dear King! You were only doing what you deemed necessary to protect your people! I cannot, nor will I ever fault you for that! I should have arranged Maverick to introduce me, it tis I that should be apologizing, and please, just call me Insomnia, Miss makes me sound far older than I care to be!" She playfully winked at him, the hostile situation dismissed with her easy demeanor. She shifted to tell her story of Maverick, no doubt the King was curious.

"I met Maverick when he was naught but a pup, a tiny ball of wonder and fluff in the battlefield. he was absolutely adorable and I couldn't, in good conscious, leave him alone to fend for himself. We spoke for awhile, deemed me a friend and asked to show me his home. When we approached the border his mother was... less than friendly, I could tell my presence was more of hindrance than a help. he was so terribly sad, I promised to return, to check up on him now and again. He's like a younger brother... a son to me if you will, when last I was here, he bid me entry to come and go as I please. I apologize for not asking you if that would be acceptable." Her tones were easy and open, the tone welcoming any other inquiries the king might have.