
The World Crumbling Beneath Me


01-08-2015, 09:31 PM

A sneer would curl her lips. The girl did not want to go home, but it appeared that her father wanted her there. A pale shadow would find his way to their gathering, boldly spilling threats from his pale lips. Fool. Another would appear on the scene, though she was friend rather than foe. Arendis fell in beside her, speaking the truth. The girl only became more desireable because of her relation to Helios. But as soon as the little twit spoke, her attentions would shift. What use was a wolf that did not seek to become better, to learn to fight? Coral gaze would rest on the girl, her silver crown shaking in disappointment before shifting to Helios and then Apollo.  "Then you will stand in her place." If they wanted to keep the girl so badly, then so be it, but she would not be leaving here empty handed.

Defenses slide into place: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, hackles raised, neck scrunched, shoulders rolled forward, legs spread equidistant and bent at the joint, toes splayed, claws digging into the ground, tail straight and aligned with her spine, weight evenly distributed across all four legs, head level with her spine and her chin tucked against her throat. Dark lips peeled back to expose ivory daggers that had long begun to yellow with age and years of blood spatter.

She would aim to come at him head one, pleased with the fact that he had taken a step towards her, making the distance between them even smaller, no more than a few feet. He was two inches taller than her, though it didn't faze her. Her course would adjust slightly in an attempt so that she was aligned more with his left side. Her left shoulder would jut forward, seeking to strike the soft spot between his chest and left shoulder. She hoped that her slightly smaller height might allow her hit the vulnerable spot with enough force to dislocate his shoulder. Simultaneously her jaws would splay wide her crown tipping to her right as she sought to grab a hold of the left side his throat, just behind the curve of his jaws. She sought a hold that allow her to put pressure on his jugular, to toy with his life. Following her attempted bite, her left forepaw would lift, her weight seeking to immediately redistribute across her remaining three limbs, as she aimed to slaw her left forepaw down on his own left forepaw, seeking to gather enough force to severely bruise or sprain his precious toes.

