
We Belong Way Down Below


01-08-2015, 10:25 PM

He followed closely behind his father, eager to start his fishing lesson for the day. He'd been trying to practice on his own, but he still hadn't quite gotten down the technique of swiping the fish out of the water like his father. He would glance up to the man who appeared like a giant at his side, amethyst eyes curious studying his sire's face. There was something going on behind the man's eyes but what the young boy couldn't tell. The sound of rushing water would bring his attention away from his father towards the water. The crystal clear water would beckon the young boy with the promise of catching his first fish. He would jump ahead of his father, rushing to the water's edge, peering down at his chocolate and vanilla reflection. His father would come up behind him, instructing him in his quiet voice to focus on the fish swimming just a few paw steps away. Aakil would clear his mind, zeroing in his energy on the task at hand. The man that had raised the boy before him would inch closer, steeled in his resolve. He had to do this. They had to get rid of him. The boy would wait until the fish was almost right at his paws, taking his vanilla dipped paw and swiping hard at it, making contact with the slimy body as it broke through the surface of the water to splash onto the shore beside him. I got it Dad! He would cry out, craning his head around to glance at his dad. The last memory he had before blacking out was of his father's giant paw swinging down at his face with tremendous force. And nothing but black after that.

Unknown to Aakil, the wolves that he had called his parents, the ones whom he had born much affection towards, were now dumping the young boy in foreign lands, eager to get rid of them. The boy felt nothing after having been knocked out, unaware that he was being carried in the jaws of his mother as they traveled far from his birthlands to deposit him in the hopes that he would never find his way back. Why were they getting rid of him? Only they knew and it would be something that would forever haunt the boy as he moved through his life. Finally the pair arrived at a place where it seemed like it was far enough, dumping the unconscious body of Aakil. His father would stop just as he was leaving, taking one last look at the boy before joining his mate who demanded that they leave him before he awoke. The crumpled body of the pup would lie in a heap on the frozen ground, his chocolate coat standing out starkly against the powdery snow, his small chest rising and falling. Would someone happen upon the unconscious boy?
