
like changing seasons


01-08-2015, 10:52 PM

With spring came life. Pamela would breath in the warmer air, finding the warmth refreshing. The decaying trees, and the new life around them, was a unique sight. The female found herself fascinated by the world around her. However, her wanderlust was sparking up. Shiki, the boy, had chosen to wander himself. Young as he was, Pamela was sure he would return back to the den. He was older, smarter. She had told him of the dangers, and he needed to learn how to at least conceal himself from danger. It may have seemed a tad cold, but Pamela was not one to coddle forever. Eventually a wolf had to learn to stand on his own. Though that didn't mean she'd abandon him if he needed her help. She would give a hand up, but not a hand out, so to speak.

The slate female longed to return to her wandering ways. Being here with Shiki meant staying in one place. The boy was strong enough that, perhaps soon, she could leave the nook. But for now it suited her. Not as cold as the north, providing a calm, almost undisturbed atmosphere. Not many passed through here, and she found that both nice and, a little boring. Even she needed some entertainment once in a while!

The sun, high in the sky, brought warmth to the land. The female could hardly wait for the storms of summer to come, bringing their booming song to the earth. The female would twitch her ears, a scent, a wolfen one, coming to her knows. She would head on, approaching the stranger from the right. But when she saw him, or rather the shadow-y figure that made him, she was confused. It seemed canine, yet... there was something odd coming out of his mouth. Pamela would pause, curiosity rising within her. Her voice would sound, polite, the thirst for knowledge demanding to be quenched.

"Such a unique trait you have, for one who appears to be a canine. Might I ask if you were born with your unique fangs, or perhaps did you find some way to stick them within your mouth?" Pamela's mismatched gaze shown. It had been too long she spoke to someone closer to her age, and, by scent, this male was certainly an adult.

"Listen to me talk," 'but read my thoughts.'

Table by:: Riv