
The World Crumbling Beneath Me


01-09-2015, 12:25 AM

"Then you will stand in her place."

Ah, so the bitch wanted him, did she? Fine then, if she wanted a fight she was going to get a fight. But he wasn't going to simply defend himself, oh no. She brought this on herself. As Cataleya set her defenses in place, he followed in suit and set his own in place. His ears pinned back against his skull, eyes narrowed as his shoulders rolled forward. His neck tucked towards his chest as his legs bent, toes spreading as his claws bit into the earth. Apollo's muscles tensed all across his form as his head aligned with his spine, tail raising to align with his spine as well. His own teeth would be exposed when he growled at the woman, lips curling neatly away.  She was shorter than him, but two inches wasn't that much of a difference. There were only a few feet that separated the two of them, but that would soon be closed as Cataleya moved to close the distance between them. Bring it on.

Apollo kept his eyes glued on the woman, not moving as she came at him from a head on position. As she altered her path to come more on his left side, Apollo aimed to take a side step towards his right. Because of this, Cataleya's left shoulder collided with the front of his own left shoulder. Teeth mashed together as a moderate bruise spread along the front of his left shoulder, but he pushed passed the pain. Growling, Apollo saw her raise her left leg just as her jaws came towards his neck. The man quickly attempted to lower his own head, her jaws instead sinking into the folds of his scruff. She bit down right in the center of his scruff, aligned with his spine directly underneath and right in between his shoulders. Her teeth sunk in about an inch, blood seeping to the surface of the moderate wound. But Apollo paid very little attention to that, instead focusing on her raised front left leg. His jaws opened wide, his teeth attempting to lock around her left foreleg. He was hoping to grab her leg around the left ankle. Apollo was hoping to bite down with enough force to crack and break the little bones within her ankle. Meanwhile he attempted to lift his left foreleg, hoping to snake it forward and tried to wrap it behind the front right ankle of Cataleya. He then tried to pull his own leg back towards his chest, hoping to take out her right leg with that movement. Apollo hoped that she would lose her balance and topple over, and hopefully her left leg will still be trapped in his jaws and Cataleya's leg would twist and snap in his grasp.

APOLLO vs CATALEYA for MAIM (breaking front left leg)/PROTECTION FROM CLAIM
Round 1 of 2
