
Didn't want to take it slow


01-09-2015, 01:07 AM

Share his family? Hera's head tipped to the side as she pondered his offer. No one had ever offered her something like that before. Family was a big deal! She loved her family so much, but they were just always off doing something. It could never be a bad thing to have more family, right? It was a lot to think about through and for someone with such a short attention span it was something she would simply have to revisit later.

For now she launched into the epic story of knights and mighty battles over precious goods that she had constructed in her mind. Luckily for her Bacchus didn't hesitate to join into her game, naming her princess of Pantheon and himself prince of Regium. Immediately she clicked into her role, pulling herself up to her full height as well and taking on an heir of regality, her brown and orange tipped tail curling up over her back. "I accept your challenge, Sir Bacchus!" She settled into a crouch, trying to remember everything she had learned from her play fights with Aura and Daddy.

She bent her knees in a slight crouch and fluffed up her hackles up over her shoulders. Her toes splayed to try and help her balance in the snow and her pale ears pinned back against her head. She narrowed her silver gaze right before she leaped toward him, deciding to go for his long legs. She didn't think she was tall enough to go for his ears like she usually did with Aura, so instead she would attempt to latch her jaws onto his right foreleg right by his knee. Of course she wouldn't try to really hurt him or anything, they were just playing after all. If anything she just wanted to make it harder for him to fight back. As her jaws opened she would snarl to keep her lips out of the way of her teeth and her tail would tuck under her to keep it out of his reach. 

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