
The World Crumbling Beneath Me



8 Years
Chrono I
01-10-2015, 05:49 PM

Jowls tightened to show white fangs underneath. She closed her eyes with anguish and fury as her father mentioned Charon, who had yet to speak a word. Maybe he was out in some other being's mind; toying with their emotions. But she would spit in his direction, though still her angry glare was not completely facing him.

"Charon hasn't said anything!"

But her attention was instantly drawn to the sound of one of the other woman taking her own action, taking Apollo as her prize now. Her head whipped around, even though it was basically facing her, and her mouth had opened a slight amount with a strong change in her features; what had she done?

Maybe it was back in her mind... but she wouldn't truly believe or even admit that this was all her fault...

Princess... That was about it for her. It was a weird kind of feeling inside her; all she ever wanted to be was a princess. Calling her such made her go into rage knowing that she wasn't, even though the woman was obviously joking with the fluffyshit.

After seeing that her brother was able to take his course, she looked to the brown woman and decided to make her own destiny...

(Fight starts here - Also assuming they were standing not too close to each other, maybe 10-15 feet?)

She would bolt forward towards the woman, coming at her head on. Her tail was straight out, weaving with her body to keep the balance. She would try to bend her trail, going more to the woman's left side but then changing her direction to the woman's right side to try and throw her off. She would try to slam her body into the woman, keeping her nose pointed down to charge at her and try to bump heads. Her tail would still be straight out, her eyes narrowed, and her ears pinned. Only if she was successful she would then lunge her head with an open jaw to try and clamp down on the area between her shoulder blade and her forearm on her right side.

Meanwhile she tried to push her legs into the dirt to spread them out and get a good grip on the ground as well as holding her shoulders high to scrunch up her neck. She was sure she was going to need it, the woman seemed to act pretty tough, hopefully she held that during battle too.

(OOC: I know Luns is on scarcity, so we can let defaults slide. I have no problem waiting ;3)

Chione vs Aerndis For Distraction/Dominance
Round One of Two/Three?

Attacks: Coming at Aerndis head on and trying to bump heads; Trying to bite Aerndis in the area between her shoulder blade and her forearm on her right side.

Defenses: Ears pinned; Eyes narrowed; Pushing paws in the ground to get grip and spread out legs; Holding tail straight out through her entire battle, weaving when approaching her opponent

Injuries: None.

Walk "Talk" Think "Charon"