
Is There Anywhere Left To Go But Down?



9 Years
Athena I
01-09-2015, 03:58 AM
ooc: Surprise! Click!


His smile would fade slightly when he saw how much his question had troubled her. Her pale blue gaze grew distant and she'd gaze off toward some unseen place. She spoke of not telling him her sob story and immidiately he wanted to deny that and insist that she was free to speak her mind as she pleased, but she kept going and he didn't want to interrupt. The smile returned to his muzzle when her gaze came back to find his again, his expression a bit more solemn and thoughtful than before. Being with this woman and hearing her speak about her family and homeland made him homesick himself. The only members of his family that he knew for sure where to find them were Amalia, who was up north, and Isolde, who lingered in The Range. He made a note to himself to visit the both of them as soon as he left here to get this urge to be with his family out of his system.

He would blink in surprise and maybe just a hint of confusion at her question regarding a certain polar fox and a small smirk would tug at his lips. He had never been around anyone with a companion or anyone that was even friends with anything other than wolves so the thought of being friends with a fox was interesting and a tad bit amusing to him. "No, I'm afraid I haven't. I'll certainly be on the look out for them now though and if I happen to find him I'll be sure to let him know you are looking for him." He smiled kindly, knowing that probably wasn't what she was hoping to hear, but he couldn't lie to her either.