
Say Goodbye


01-09-2015, 05:38 AM

The girl had been laying in their designated sleeping area for all day it seemed. There was still plenty of day left, but she normally spent most of her time inside the ship. She let Lian go out and have his fun whenever he pleased, even after he returned injured not too long ago. Of course, she had no control over him but she wished she had him on a leash sometimes.

It was finally spring, and the weather had started to rise to higher temperatures letting the metal den warm up inside even with the snow still frozen outside. She was leaned up against one of the walls near a corner trying to make up for the heat she lost with her absent brother. Her eyes were closed like she were sleeping but her stance obviously showed she was just resting with her head held pretty high and her ears turned back.

Little did she know there was a blind demon snooping about... If her half-sister was even in the same chamber as her, she completely ignored the fact that she was there. It was normally very quiet when the other's were gone, and Zola hoped it would stay that way. She didn't care much for the new additions; well she did care, but not so much in a caring way. She wished the two were never left behind... or that Lel would have just threw them into the ocean.

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