
Open discussion about some new site features.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)


ContributorPride - PansexualEaster 2022Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
01-09-2015, 11:01 AM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2015, 12:35 PM by Nyx.)
Note: no specifics are being discussed here, only general ideas so we can gauge's everyone's interest!

- Currently we are working on completing the healing guide and adding new herbs to it. We have been discussing adding a feature that will make healing more necessary -- perhaps by adding a new feature to the more dangerous fights (i.e. for maim fights, pack challenges, sieges, and even death matches) by giving out injuries that must be treated by someone skilled in healing. For example, a minor cut might need to be treated by someone of low rank in the healing skill (we will flesh out the skills and ranks soon), while something more severe like an amputated tail would need someone of much higher healing rank. This not only will force people to use healers, but would make them fairly valuable in packs. I think forcing something extreme like death if an injury is not treated is pretty harsh, but maybe a large point subtraction from future fights until the injury is healed.

- Increase member caps via hunting more! If you hunt a certain amount the member cap will be increased for the next one or two seasons.
- Add in a hunting mini-game (not required) that will earn gems for all who participate.
- Complete the hunting guide, including where prey animals are located, how many wolves to take them down, etc. Big game will be more risky (higher chance of injury) and will take more wolves to kill.
- Possibility  of adding in hunting requirements, perhaps in terms of pounds of meat? Big game can be taken down in one thread with a larger group, or wolves can delegate to hunt in smaller groups. This will encourage teamwork and activity, rather than small two-participant threads. Some kind of penalty for not hunting enough? -- such as fertility reductions, reduced fight points, etc.

- Raiding other pack lands for resources!! (food, herbs) -- this could easily tie into the hunting caps if we decide to have them. If you don't like hunting, or decide that food is scarce in your lands, you can raid another pack's lands for game.
A raid is a small group of wolves affecting an attack on a pack for some form of resources. Raiders can be made up of either wolves from a single pack, or a group of rogues, but groups cannot be mixed between the two and the defenders must be an officially recognized pack. Defenders must all be from the same pack - allies will not be permitted to participate in raids. Group sizes will be limited to a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 raiders, and only the first 10 defenders will be permitted to participate.

All wolves including defenders must have been in their respective statuses (member of that pack or a rogue) for 1 ooc week prior to the raid, and raiders must all have posted in a completed IC meeting thread to participate. In that meeting it is required that the raiders state their intended resource (this can be something like water in a drought, or herbs that cannot be found elsewhere, the right to hold a single hunt in that pack's lands, or in the case of one pack raiding another, prisoners/slaves, but lands cannot be claimed and rogues cannot claim packwolves) and must have a clear leader.

Raid fights will be a maximum of two rounds. As in a siege, each wolf is allowed to fight until they either are knocked out or reach their limit of knock-outs. Each wolf is allowed 2 knock outs before they are no longer allowed to continue and must leave - no one may contest them leaving since they are no longer allowed to fight. There are no DMs (unless both parties have a mutual agreement to do so) but wolves can chose from maims, claims (if the raiders are pack wolves) or dominance battles. The raid is over when there are no more wolves able to fight on one side. In the event that the defenders are the last wolves able to continue to fight, they will have driven off the raiders. If the raiders are the only ones left standing, they are able to claim the resource stated in the IC meeting and the raid is over. In the event that there is no response to the raid from the defending pack within three days the raid is considered successful and the resource acquired. There must be 2 ooc weeks between all raids.

Now... discuss! Ask questions, give opinions, anything to help flesh out these ideas.