


06-01-2013, 01:08 PM
OOC Name: Paulina
How did you get here?: found you on RPG-D
Age: 22

Character's Name: Anik Swiftpaw
Season of birth: summer
Size: large
Appearance description:
Grace, beauty and strength; the three perfect ways to describe the creature of great vanity. A body built for speed and swiftness, carried upon lean legs taught with muscle that ripples beneath the thick and lush fur that covers her body. A look upon the nymph would reveal the full fur of ivory white that adorns her feminine body, curves drawn out and long. A tail that is held proud with a sense of purpose and direction in her life, while eyes seem to stare directly into the souls of those she meets. A darkness hidden deep within the sapphires that she calls eyes, with the way the light plays upon them they could be mistaken for smooth Ice.

Do not be mistaken however, the ivory ghost might seem like an angel, but along her underbelly and across her shoulders might show a different story. Scarring would adorn her upper left shoulder from fights she had presented herself to, however the scarring is not pure flesh, but a lack of lush fur. Only scarcely covered by that dazzling white dapple coat of hers, while the scars upon her underbelly are of the same presentation and obvious of the fights she has endured in her life.
Duty: Navigator