
Demons Never Die [Meeting]



06-01-2013, 01:50 PM
She moved her body into this perpendicular position so that she would have that much leverage on her larger sibling. Should he thrust his teeth toward her, she would be able to see it in the corner of her eyes, react to it, and hopefully avoid the attack before it became something lethal. Her eyes were narrowed, ears flattened, her tail now moving with her and raised to be level to keep her balanced. Her beast of a brother made no move to separate her jowls from his flank, only moved toward her as she began yanking on his flesh. Did he not feel the pain? Was she so insignificant to his massive frame? She honestly did not know, she had never fought a wolf so large before, even though she had lived among them her entire life as an Adravendi. As quickly as she managed to bite into her brother, she would yank on the flesh and fur that caught between her teeth. Her weight was balanced on all four of her legs as she pulled. He didn't move against her attempt to unbalance him with her right paw either, and as she backed up, she attempted to pull his back left leg along with her. Her nails clinked against the stone as she did so, attempting to put a bit of traction between she and the ground. Hopefully she'd be that much harder to push around.

When he swung his hips into her, she hadn't expected the sudden thrust - and she lost her attempted grip on the male before she could gauge how much damage she did. She tasted blood on her teeth, but there was no pride in it, this was her brother - and spilling the blood of her family would never taste sweet. Her muzzle fell flat against his side, as he thrust himself toward her, leaving her slightly battered, but not disoriented. Her muzzle crinkled as she snarled, her jaws agape and her hackles raised along her spine as she pulled herself back enough to move her head and re-position to attack. Her head was lowered over her throat, but she still watched him, felt him move toward her with his head, his teeth prepared to strike. Like a snake he would surge forth and like a cobra he would strike.

She instinctively pulled further to her right as he pushed his front toward her side. It was not enough to avoid his teeth, and she felt them slide over her flesh, tearing at her side and leaving a wound that might just be similar to the one that she tried to give him. The pain was sudden, white hot and horrendous, yet she expected it - would not falter because of it. Watching and reacting to his movements as sharply as possible she faintly realized there was an imbalance. She had made his back left leg a target, and he raised his front left leg to try and lift over her back. And so the dame would thrust her lowered head at his left hind leg while pivoting further to her right, attempting to wrap her jaws around it just where his stifle met his hock. All four of her feet would be on the ground once more, as this time she would try and unbalance him with her teeth and not her paws.

His left paw would not completely wrap around her because of her reaction to his movement and moving to the right, but it would land on her side where his claws were free to scratch down the side he had just wounded. Whether he would follow her in her movements or not she was unsure - but if he kept his leg up he would be left with one leg on his left being attacked and the other suspended. Her hind legs were squared, and her knees bent for balance - and she was prepared to spring should she be given the chance. All she needed was a moment - his size made it difficult to fight the way that she was used to, playing on her strength and keeping at close quarters, but if she could force a single opening for her to gain the upper hand, she would seize it.


ooc: you didn't respond to Chrys swiping at his back left leg? I know Syrinx is probably big enough to ignore it |3 I don't even know what I would do in assuming it hit, she was trying to affect his balance. Also, I'm going to assume you meant her left rib cage with the attack with his teeth ^^;;; I have no idea how he'd get around to her right.

attacks: bite to Syrinx's back left leg

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears flattened, tail raised for balance, weight shifted onto all four feet, shoulders rolled, nails scraping against the stone for traction, muzzle crinkled, hackles raised, back legs squared and ready to spring, knees bent for balance

injuries: scratches on her left leg, bitten above her left ear, wounded on her left side

Round two of three