
♚ A Royal Affair [OPEN]



7 Years
01-09-2015, 05:58 PM

The frigid temperatures were eating at his core rather slowly, though without much of a chance to rest and relax out of the weather, it was managing to take it's toll on him with vigor. Icicles began to form from the snot dripping down against the gold ring dangling coldly in his tarnished obsidian nostrils. Scarred skin feeling sore and dry against the sub-zero wind chill. Golden optics starred blankly at the frozen wall before him mindlessly.

A touch of forest green in his peripheral caused the mammoth of a brute to pause his absent thoughts and turn his auds back and in the direction of a young wolf. Not far from him, though still far enough to not make out her every feature, the brute said nothing as his silver breath rolled from his lungs with slow, easy curls. His gaze and expression spoke of secrets and scars of his past, reflecting themselves in his mangled appearance. The strange gold trinkets in his decrepit ear, the bracelet upon his thick fore-stock, and thick bull ring in his nose merely flexing as his nostrils attempted to capture this doe's scent. She was young, forest optics watching him for a while as he cared to notice. Blinking slowly his blank expression took the fae in as she approached, her words sailing towards his auds with profound curiosity. He took a while before shifting his heavy weight upon all four of his stocks, turning carefully to face her, his thick figure heavily black against the bright white contrast of their snowy surroundings. At first he didn't speak, only looked at the girl with curiosity in his own eyes, as well as heavy apathy, waiting to see what the doe might do with his silent reply.

"Speech" Thoughts