
After the Night When I Wake Up [PACK HUNT]



6 Years
01-09-2015, 07:36 PM (This post was last modified: 01-09-2015, 07:37 PM by Satu.)

Quietly, Satu sat waiting with the rest, though it seemed not many would show. Wasn't Regium supposed to be a big pack or something? There were only a handful of wolves there. She glanced around at them with a vague, tired curiosity, but there wasn't really anyone there she hadn't already met at their recent meeting, and she couldn't muster then enthusiasm to chat at anyone right now.

Drashiel explained what they were going after - musk ox calves - and Satu cocked her head to the side to listen. Take the little guy down? Yeah ok she could do that. She stood as they all did, moved into a lope when they did to travel through the land for a time until the came upon the herd, and she watched as Drashiel and the antelope-girl sprinted off into the oxen. With her assigned partner, the silver Armada female Drashiel had called Athena, Satu loitered behind, watching carefully.

A calf was jostled to the outside of the herd and stumbled, bawling. And answering bawl came from the other side of the group. Satu changed direction and dove for the baby before the oxen could close ranks around it once more, or before Mommy Dearest cut her way through to come to its rescue. She snapped at the little creature's hip and it flailed in the other direction, the direction she was driving it, away from the herd. At first it kept trying to move back toward it's mother but she continued to snarl and snap and it took off at an awkward run. Now she just needed to bring it to a stop while her partner and the beta took it down... She continued to chase it the short distance before she sprinted, coming up alongside, and then flung herself at the calf's right foreleg. Her teeth fastened into it's knee, and she just let herself go limp.

Her weight dragging at the calf had it stumbling to a halt, nearly tumbling heels over head, bawling in pain and confusion, and Satu had to flatten her ears and close her eyes, numbing herself to the cries. If she was going to be a warrior...
