
It's Never Enough


01-09-2015, 08:37 PM

Her brother would not follow long after her, coming to sit by her side and nuzzling at her neck. But he could probably tell by the dampness of her fur that she was and had been crying. She couldn't actually tell when it started... but in the short time he was after her it was like a flood coming from her eyes. If he spoke a question before hand, it didn't matter because she would blurt out her own.

"Lian, do you love me?" she choked out.

But really, it wasn't a question for him... it was more of a question for Lel. She would give him a very small space to speak, it was possible that she could have cut him off in the middle of his own words or before he could even take a breath. Time was impossible inside of her head tonight.

"Dad doesn't seem to love us like he used to."

She was still speaking through whines and tears, but it was actually a very odd thing to say. Lel was around more than he had ever been. Now that Callisto was gone he had plenty of time to be with his children and with their mother. There was no reason to think he loved either litter of children more... But that is all Zola ever saw. If he brought back a meal, she always saw them getting a bigger portion. If he would pull all of the children in to snuggle and sleep together, she always thought it was to keep them safe and warm. She saw favoritism  that wasn't even there. Thank the gods she knew nothing of the even older litter that was out there, she might have actually lost her head.

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