
Athena x Vereux pup

Athena I


9 Years
01-09-2015, 10:50 PM (This post was last modified: 01-23-2015, 03:23 PM by Athena I.)
Since Starry has decided to leave the site, that means we have another pup from the Athena x Vereux litter back up for adoption! His name is Aeschylus and is one of four brothers. The other brothers are Tiburtius, played by me, Vitus, played by Arin, and Bacchus, played by Kat! They were born in the fall so they're approximately 5-6 months old right now.

The only thing about him that has to be changed is his design, since it was made by Starry. Here are some unused designs from the original adoption: link, link. Of course you are welcome to make your own design, of course keeping in mind Athena and Vereux's designs and the typical colors of the Armadas. (feel free to ask me for arts of Athena and/or Vereux for reference. I'll also be happy to help you make a design <3).

Since he hasn't been played much up to now his personality is also pretty open. You're also welcome to change his name or even make him a girl if that strikes your fancy! My only stipulation is that it be of Greek origin and if you want to keep him a boy it needs to end in 'us' to keep in theme with the other brothers. 

Please keep in mind when applying that the following things are currently happening in these pups lives:
- they are a part of Regium Since Regium is now disbanded they will be looking for a new home. They will definitely be looking to join another pack though.
- Vereux has left them without telling them why so all the betrayal/abandonment feels if you so choose
- Athena is married to Amalia so they have two kick butt moms

If you're interested please fill this out:
OOC name:
Pup name:
Appearance (either a line art or at least 100 words):
Personality (at least 150 words):
A short role play sample (if I haven't played with you recently or know you well lol):