
how lost we are.



10 Years
01-09-2015, 11:44 PM
Ara had never had a particularly grand vision of her future as a child. For so long, she hadn't been able to imagine life without her parents, or without Faolan or Jendai; but Jendai had been scarce as she grew older, and even Faolan was not around now very often. And now her parents had even left -- all she had now was Novel and Psalm and Hymn, and truthfully she was okay with that. Her parents didn't have much time left in this world. She saw the strength draining from them with each week that passed. What she did need to live for was their young sons. Despite the feeling of being trapped here, despite feeling like everything was different now... they both had to try.

A soft purr of pleasure left Ara's lips as Novel giggled in response to her sudden affection. She was content to lose herself in her mate's chest for the moment, straining for the warmth and softness of her pelt. "Would you ever want more?" Ara would ask suddenly, eyes closing as she felt Novel's gentle touches to the back of her neck. "Children, I mean... While their first two hadn't been born in the best circumstances, they loved them regardless; and she had no doubt that Novel felt the same way. Two beautiful creatures, born of an awful situation. What might happen if it had been done consensually, a decision that they had both made? She couldn't help but wonder. A content sigh left her lips as she leaned closer into Novel, ecstasy flooding her as she found herself truly relaxing in her presence.